Advancing Our Understanding of Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Galaxies are the fundamental building blocks of the Universe, hosting diverse processes such as star formation, chemical enrichment, and black hole activity, which collectively drive the evolution of the universe. Modern galaxy research seeks to uncover the mechanisms behind galaxy formation and evolution, focusing on key questions such as how galaxies acquire gas, how feedback processes regulate star formation, and how the large-scale environment impacts their structure, dynamics, and evolution. However, significant challenges remain, including understanding the interplay between dark matter and baryonic processes, accurately modeling star formation and multi-phase materials within galaxies, and probing the role of supermassive black holes across cosmic time. Future advancements in observational capabilities with LOT, ALMA, TP2m, and GMT, such as deep surveys from next-generation telescopes, coupled with cutting-edge simulations and modeling techniques, will address these challenges. These efforts will allow us to test theoretical predictions and bridge the gap between observations and theory, paving the way for a more comprehensive understanding of galaxy evolution.